They Found An Alien Skull In Nigeria, Africa – This Could Change The History As We Know It!!!

Alien Skull found in Nigeria, Africa by gold miners. What a crazy looking skull this is. Is it proof aliens existed here millions of years ago?
Many people assume that humans are the only race that has ever inhabited the planet; however, a new finding appears to refute this

The Alien Skull Was Found in Nigeria, Africa

A skull was discovered in Africa, Nigeria gold miners that has a physiognomy and osseous structure comparable to that of a person but also has several distinguishing features that make it impossible to belong to a human.


This finding has sparked a lot of debate and sparked a lot of thoughts and guesses. One of these ideas is that the discovery is a hoax and that the skull’s features have been modified.

They Found an Alien Skull in Nigeria, Africa – This Could Change the History as We Know It

Photo of skull structure

However, if we presume the skull is genuine, it would be around 14 million years old and contain a significant quantity of iridium, a material commonly found in meteorites.

Do you believe this find has anything to do with, say, the mummies discovered in Peru? Or it could be proof of the presence of extraterrestrials?


Many people assume that humans are the only race that has ever inhabited the planet; however, a new finding appears to refute this view.

A skull was discovered in Africa that has a physiognomy and osseous structure comparable to that of a person but also has several distinguishing features that make it impossible to…

A Brief History of Nigeria

In 1901, Nigeria was made a British protectorate and was colonized until 1960, when the country gained independence. In 1963, Nigeria became a republic but fell under military rule in 1966 as a result of a coup d’état.

In 1967, the Republic of Biafra was formed and this led to the three-year Nigerian Civil War.

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12,000-Year-Old Intact Anunnaki Discovered In Ancient Tomb: The Burial Site of Our Prehistoric Ancestors (Video)

Through extensive research on the ancient Sumerian tablets spanning countless hours, a profound revelation has come to light regarding their genuine belief system. These millennia-old inscriptions reveal the Sumerians’ profound conviction in the existence of colossal beings called the Anunnaki, who, they firmly believed, descended from the cosmos to Earth eons ago with a singular purpose – to extract precious minerals, particularly gold, from our planet’s depths.

Rather than undertaking the laborious mining operations themselves, the Anunnaki employed a unique method, binding their own DNA with that of our prehistoric ancestors.

The outcome was the creation of a labour force tailored precisely to their needs – us, humans. For ages, we served as the perfect workforce for these extraterrestrial entities, toiling under their guidance until a pivotal moment when they decided to withdraw, distancing themselves from the harsh conditions prevailing on Earth.

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