Former US Intelligence Official David Charles : “US Military Possesses ‘Non-Human’ Spacecraft” We Have space craft from onother spices? Yes We Do! (Video)

David Charles Grusch, a former high-ranking U.S. intelligence official and member of the Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, has come forward as a federal whistleblower regarded as “credible” by the Intelligence Community Inspector General. He has presented evidence to Congress indicating the existence of a covert and successful Department of Defense project aimed at retrieving unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

This evidence suggests that the United States Armed Forces have recovered intact spacecraft of apparent extraterrestrial origin on multiple occasions. Grusch, aged 36, previously served as a decorated combat officer in Afghanistan and has extensive experience with agencies such as the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. The report on Grusch’s claims, initially published in The Debrief, has garnered attention due to the credibility of its authors, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, known for their coverage of UFO-related topics, including the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerial Threat Intelligence (AATIP) program.

Grusch’s decision to speak out now, despite submitting evidence to Congress in July 2021, is attributed to recent clearance from the Pentagon. However, the classified nature of the evidence prevents Grusch from disclosing it, as doing so could result in federal charges. Given the significance of these claims, Grusch’s recent interview with NewsNation has stirred considerable interest. While the implications, if true, would be profound, further verification and scrutiny are necessary before drawing definitive conclusions about the existence of extraterrestrial spacecraft in the possession of the US military.

The Latest Developments:

  1. The White House has refrained from commenting on the recent breaking news report.
  2. David Charles Grusch, whose account has been deemed “credible” by the current Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), is represented by the nation’s first-ever ICIG. This has been corroborated by a federal official on the record, as reported by The Guardian.
  3. The House Oversight Committee is preparing for a hearing on these new allegations. Representative Pete Aguilar (D-CA) expressed surprise at the revelations and emphasized the need for investigation, while Representative James Gomez (D-CA) also acknowledged the need for scrutiny.
  4. The Pentagon has issued a response to Grusch’s whistleblower report, highlighting that while an investigation is ongoing, no verifiable evidence regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials has been found to date. The response has raised questions due to its acknowledgment of an ongoing investigation and lack of substantive progress.
        1. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) made a startling statement confirming government briefings on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) that do not match known military aircraft. This adds weight to Grusch’s claims.
        2. The Independent, a leading UK news outlet, has published a second major article on the story. Grusch alleges that evidence of spacecraft of “non-human origin” was shared with Congress in July 2021 and subsequently kept classified, which raises further questions about the Pentagon’s response.
        3. Former intelligence official Christopher Mellon has corroborated Grusch’s account, affirming the need for transparency on the issue.
        4. Uncertainties remain regarding the classification of Grusch’s claims and the nature of the reported non-human origin vehicles, necessitating clarification.
        5. A pre-recorded add-on interview/documentary has been released, providing additional insights into the Ross Coulthart–David Grusch interview.

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