Harvard Scientist Claims Runaway Fireball That Crashed Off Papua New Guinea Coast Is An ‘Alien Probe’

In the 1940s and 1950s reports of “flying saucers” became an American cultural phenomenon. Sightings of strange objects in the sky have become important things for Hollywood to present views of potential threats. Movie posters like “Earth vs. Flying Saucers” from 1956 illustrate these fears.

Connected to ideas about life on the Moon, canals on Mars and theories about Martian civilizations, flying saucers have come to represent the hopes and fears of the modern world. Are these supposed visitors from other worlds peaceful and benevolent or would they attack and destroy humanity? The truth is that we don’t have an answer to these questions and everyone has their own opinion, but the truth is that the aliens are here.

Alien Presence on Our Planet

An “uncontrolled fireball” that fell into the water off the coast of Papua New Guinea in 2014 could be an alien probe or an extraterrestrial artifact similar to American interstellar probes like NASA’s “Voyagers”, he said. Harvard professor Dr. Avi Loeb for Fox News. That would be strong evidence of extraterrestrial life on our planet.

doctor Avi Loeb

The space object fell into the Bismarck Sea with a percentage of the energetic force of the 2014 Hiroshima bomb and likely traveled from the deep interior of a planetary system or from a star in the thick disk of the Milky Way. It was originally classified as a meteorite but the object’s velocity and trajectory were “ATYPICAL” that suggested according to the Harvard professor who wrote a paper on the object with his student, Dr. Amir Siraj.

The Space Force’s Space Operations Command officially confirmed its findings to NASA which were released on April 6, 2022. Loeb has since raised $1.5 million to fund a 10-day “fishing expedition” to retrieve pieces of the object. at the bottom of the ocean to study the wreckage.

“From a scientific point of view, an object that comes from an alien technological civilization is enough to change future humanity,” Loeb told Fox News Digital during an interview in late March. “That’s why we want to know what all the objects are.”

It’s not known what he and his team will see on their trip to Papua New Guinea, but he said he expects to find debris on the ocean floor along the original trajectory, with the smallest fragments at the beginning. Loeb predicts they will see about a thousand fragments larger than a millimeter, while for a stainless steel composite they expect larger sizes, with dozens of fragments larger than a centimeter. The trip was originally planned for the end of May, but he told Fox News on Saturday that it has been pushed back to the summer.

“We built the machinery to excavate the ocean floor that is about a kilometer deep,” explained Loeb. “If the fragments are magnetic, we will use magnets to collect them and separate them from the mud. If the objects are not magnetic, we have a Plan B.”

Loeb was front and center after the discovery of “Oumuamua” which was a long cigar-like object that passed close to Earth in 2017. Prior to the discovery of the object that crashed in Papua New Guinea, “Oumuamua” was considered the first interstellar object, and Loeb believed it to be an artificial light candle sent from another civilization. He argued his theory in a scientific paper, which became a controversial version of the discovery.

During Loeb’s Fox News interview, which took place shortly after the Chinese spy balloon was shot down along with three other unknown aerial objects over the course of eight days, he pressed the government to declassify the raw data or share information with the community. more discoveries like these two interstellar objects.

“The sky is not classified” Loeb continued to explain. “Only the censors the government is using are rated so the government doesn’t publish the highest quality data. “As far as we’re concerned (in the scientific community), if we find man-made objects, we’re happy to hand over the data to the government because it’s of little interest to us.”On the other hand he believes the government is not “particularly interested” in space objects or meteorites and it could be a mutually beneficial arrangement that will allow scientists to make more discoveries like “Oumuamua” or the Papua New Guinea object. . Loeb referred to a January Department of Defense report that classified 366 UFO reports since March 2020. The report classified 26 cases as drones or drones, 163 cases were balloons or “balloon-like entities”, and six reports could be attributed to birds, debris such as plastic bags or weather events. But around half of the new cases could not be explained and appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities and require further analysis.
“But an encounter with superior extraterrestrial technology would offer humanity the opportunity to gain new scientific knowledge that goes beyond what we learned in the past century. It would also provide us with a glimpse into our own technological future by offering a quantum leap forward if we are wise enough to import its innovative content into our earthly life,” concludes Loeb.

Once again Professor Loeb speaks about the extraterrestrial presence on our planet. And perhaps we should listen to him given his resume and academic record.

What do you think of the alien presence on our planet? Do you agree with Professor Loeb?

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